
Our Consulting Solutions Unit provides specific advice and training for your personal development or that of your company or initiative to help you advance very quickly and even even do some of the heavy lifting for you where needed. We take the time to understand your needs and the areas you operate in and then draw up a tailored strategy to enable you succeed. Our Consulting Solutions are delivered in person or online and either one on one or group sessions.

Grow at the speed of light with an expert Co-Pilot at your side!


Our Coaching Unit offers a wonderful opportunity for you or your business to work with experienced professional coaches towards achieving your visions or actualizing your goals. Our Coaching Approach is a partnership between you the client and us the coach so we work together to clarify your objectives, analyze your ideas and situations, and map out an ambitious but manageable plan to achieve your goals.

Our Coaching Structure promotes mutual trust, respect, commitment, and empowerment and most importantly RESULTS.


Our Mentorship Solution aims to provide quality mentoring for people in all sectors and industries. We have a diverse cross-sector network that prioritizes relationships and fuels opportunity for people no matter where you are in your life, business or career. We believe that everyone can always use the support, knowledge, and wisdom of people who are succeeding in the fields and areas they want to get to.

Whatever area you want the mentorship to focus on, we have experts on call to support you.

Facilitation & Speaking

If you are looking for a great keynote/plenary/presentation for your Conference, Seminar or Talk Shop and want to make sure the content sticks, and that people are energized by a relevant and timely message, then we are your best bet! MKANNA Konsult Speakers contextualize our ideas and research to your audience and needs. We’ll work with you to plan the content and message to ensure maximum impact on your agenda. We avoid the fairy tale speeches that make everything bright and shiny by making sure our messages set the stage for tangible actions alongside an energizing and thought-provoking message.