We enable People and Businesses to Thrive!

MKANNA Konsult’s mission begins and ends with people. Individuals and Businesses who are strengthened, empowered and enabled through our Consulting and Coaching Soluitons. We are dedicated to providing our clients with expert advice, strategies and guidance that have a meaningful, and sustainable impact on their individual and business goals.

Complementing our team of professionas is our breadth of experience in multiple industries. We work with individuals and businesses in financial services, technology, healthcare, retail, biotech, hospitality, governanance, transportation, telecommunications, agriculture, building supply, and real estate etc. Among those industries we have a successful track record of providing comprehensive solutions that help to transform our clients.

Taking the next step to achieve your goals may sound easy, however it could be the most daunting task without a thinking partner, a cheerleader and an accountability partner. At MKANNA we help you clarify your goals to take the next step, we cheer you on when the going gets tough and we check in to ensure you meet your set timelines. You simply cannot miss your goals with us.


  • Mildred
    “It’s easy to get carried away in the daily struggles of life and forget about yourself. What Coach Maku did for me was to keep me grounded, and focused and to follow through with what I wanted for myself! There’s an assurance knowing you have someone to cheer you on and help achieve your goals”
  • Suweiba
    Working with Miriam, I have made tremendous progress and achieved much within a short period, especially in both personal and career growth. Through Miriam’s supportive, encouraging and gentle coaching style, I have identified my passion and currently embarking on transitioning from Banking into the Technology space. I will highly recommend Miriam to anyone looking to make changes in their lives.